Better Education
For Every Child
In many countries, and rural areas, education materials such as desk and chairs for pupils, including clean tap water, simply do not exist and even where they do, one can see pupils crammed together 5 person instead of 3 on a single bench
Healthy Food
For Poor People
More than 850 million people worldwide are suffering from poverty and hunger, which makes hunger one of the most prevailing issues crippling socities today. 90% of the people suffering from hunger and poverty are mainly present in developing countries
Pure Water
For Poor People
Every person needs a sustainable clean water supply: for drinking, washing, cooking and cleaning. It is a basic human right and still there are almost 1 billion people on this planet that do not have access to clean water
Facilities for People
People with disabilities represent some of the most vulnerable in communities due to an inaccessibility to services and lack of appropriate infrastructure, marginalisation, and discrimination.
Mother Erinah Junior School in Bunakijja Village
We working presently in 3 African countries UGANDA, NIGER, and Burkina Faso with the hope of expanding our support and assistance to children around the world, bringing social and economic transformation to the communities in which we work. Supporting Children Education through infrastructure building. Join us to promote sustainable solutions that make lasting changes in human lives.
This was the situation of Mother Erinah Junior School in Bunakijja Village in Mukono,Uganda
This is the situation now at Mother Erinah Junior School in Bunakijja Village in Mukono, Uganda.Help us to raise the walls of the classrooms and offices.